"Put on the full armor of God, that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." Ephesians 6:11
Do you realize that "our battles are not against the flesh and blood, but against the rulers and powers of the dark world of evil" that Satan leads? (Eph 6:12). You may battle with being overweight, insecure, or eating disorders, but let me tell you where that battle is coming from...SATAN!!! Now, God has made us in his image, and has given us authority to CHOOSE how we live. But the devil likes to play games in our head, like "if you eat this cheeseburger and fries, you will feel so much better after your tough day at work". He makes simple decisions about food even seem harmless. But God made our bodies (His temple) to function in a way we can serve and work for His Kingdom...do you think Satan wants us to feel good physically or to have mental clarity after we exercise? NO!!!!! He wants us to sit around wishing we could wear a size 4, weigh 110 pounds and when we don't, he is so fast to jump in and say, "you are no good because you can't even control what you eat or you won't get up and go exercise!"
Well I say, 'LET'S ARMOR UP, GIRLS!!!!" Not only do you need to feed your physical body with the healthy nutrients it needs daily, we need to feed our spiritual body with the Word of God! We can seek direction, guidance, wisdom, answers to prayers from His Living Word. And when we feed our spiritual body, we also are giving God the greatest gift we can give him...our love to Him by spending time with Him in the scriptures he wrote!!
So today's tip of the day for "10 SIMPLE TIPS FOR HEALTHIER EATING" is:
2.) FILL UP WITH WATER, as well as fill up your heart and soul with THE WORD OF GOD!!!
Now, all my close friends will tell you, I drink tons of water daily (which explains why I have to buy toilet paper like every other day!! LOL) But after I am around other people for an entire day, I have come to realize the majority of Americans do not drink enough WATER!!! I drink 4-5 liters a day of just water on regular basis!! That is to the extreme on the spectrum I realize, but I have just made it habit, and my body feels sluggish when I don't drink that much!! So let's say 3 liters a day is a good goal. Break that down however you need to, depending on the size of water bottle or glass you drink from. I use a one liter bottle and refill it thru the day. For example, if you have a 12-oz bottle or cup, you would need to drink 9 of those in a day! Drinking really cold water actually burns more calories because your body has to use energy to heat up the water to be used by the body! Another tip is to add a packet of crystal light occasionally (don't recommend that for all 9 bottles!) or heat up water for hot tea. Same theory applies for hot drink too...burns more calories to bring temperature down to use for body.
I want to challenge you for next 3 days to FILL UP WITH WATER!! Increase your water intake to approx 2-3 liters a day, and see how you feel. Then for the next 3 days, go back to your normal intake. See if you feel the difference!! Also, for the first 3 days, avoid carbonated drinks and sugary sport drinks. I know what my friends are saying right now as they read this: "Yeah, Keitha, give up your diet coke!!" LOL!! I do enjoy a good diet coke, especially if I am near a Sonic...but I have cut back on those, and I always flush my body out with a liter before and another liter after I drink a DC.
One of my dynamic duo's favorite movies is "Evan Almighty". In this movie, Morgan Freeman, who plays God in the movie, tells Evan that the way he can change the world is through the ARK...Acts of Random Kindness. He tells him change comes from one act of kindness at a time. Take that same philosophy to your health: YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR PHYSICAL BODY ONE STEP AT A TIME!! Small steps sometimes get us farther than big giant leaps that can cause us to fall!!! Small changes will improve your health, and give you more energy! I have had couple of ladies this week tell me how much better they feel after just exercising 5 days now in our Boot Camp!!!
Get your tennis shoes on, and TAKE A STEP TO ARMOR UP!!!
"Lord, I thank you for the words you gave me this morning...Jesus, it reminds even me of what I need. To first of all, spend time with you, and be fed by your Living Word. Then to feed my body with good, wholesome foods. Now, Lord, we know you didn't create desserts to torture us, but we are to be disciplined in choosing foods that are not to be eaten in excess. God, I pray that we will put on your armor daily so that we can stand against satan's evil attacks on us!! Thank you for interceding for us! In Jesus' name, Amen!"
My sweet little blessings!! Our visit to Sea World during spring break!
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