Friday, January 27, 2012

BREAK THE FAST!!!"After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.  Satan came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread."  Jesus answered, "It is written:  'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"  Matthew 4:2-4

Do you ever wake up in the morning, and feel like YOU had been fasting 40 days??  or maybe just 40 hours?  or maybe just 4 hours?? LOL!!  Many of you know why breakfast is called just breaks the fasting you did while you were sleeping.    Many people I talk to (my teenage daughter included!) say they are not hungry when they first get up.  I, personally, have never had that problem!!  haha!

But everything I have read and researched states that BREAKFAST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY!!  Like you have not heard that a gazillion times from your grandmother, mother, teachers, etc!!
But do you really know WHY??  Your body has been fasting on night, and your metabolism slows down while you sleep.  It does require some energy to pump blood from your heart to supply all your organs with the oxygen they need while you snooze.  (Sometimes I wonder if my brain was O2 deprived during the night!! LOL).  But seriously, your metabolism slows down.  So how do you kick-start it back up to burn more calories in the day??  BY EATING BREAKFAST!!!!  

I tell Avery almost daily, that skipping breakfast is like not putting gas in your ya gonna get anywhere??  (and I ran out of gas literally this last fall, and not a good feeling when your are stranded on side of road! ha).  

Now do I need to put the most expensive gas in my car to get from point A to point B??  NO!
Just needs some gas.  So do you need to eat bacon, eggs, pancakes, biscuits & gravy for breakfast to boost your metabolism??  NO!!!!!!  You simply need about 300 calories consisting of whole grain carbohydrates, some protein, and some fruit.   

So now your asking, "well what do I eat?"  Here are some of MY favorite breakfast meals:

* whole grain Sara Lee delightful slice of toast with 1 tbsp peanut butter with sliced strawberries
*1 cup Greek yogurt with 1/2 cup all bran cereal buds, 10 almonds or walnuts, and 1/4 cup dried fruit
*KB's Breakfast Burrito:  Scramble 3 egg whites, saute 1/2 bell pepper (red and yellow my favorite).  Place in whole wheat tortilla and sprinkle 1/2 cup mozeralla shredded cheese.  Add salsa of your choice.  Wrap up and ENJOY!!!  Packed with protein and you get a 1/2 serving of veggie in there too!!
*SHAKEOLOGY:  Mix 1 cup almond milk, 1 scoop chocolate shakeology, 1 Tbsp of peanut butter or PB2 powder (*see note below), add 1 cup crushed ice...blend and you have $40 dollars of fruits/veggies in a shake with 18 grams of protein.  And it tastes like a Wendy's frosty!!  YUM!!

Now I must confess something to ya'll...I love, love, love bacon!!!!! Ever since I was pregnant with Harbor, I could eat bacon every meal!!  Don't ya love how hormones do crazy things to us, Ladies??    And I know bacon high in fat; however, I eat very low fat 90% of time, so I allow myself bacon once a week.  I will eat 3 slices bacon that I cook on bacon cooker that drains off fat in microwave, and add a bowl of oatmeal and piece of fruit, and I am a HAPPY CAMPER!!  

Let's go back to skipping breakfast...(please don't feel like I am lecturing you like I do my 13-yr old who just doesn't care for breakfast),  but if you are trying to lose weight, and you think only eating one meal a day is the key.... WRONG!!!!!    Any scientific research (that is legit), will tell you it is the worst thing to do on your body.   When you skip breakfast, your metabolism just speeds up enough to get dressed, drive to work, etc.  Then  when you finally eat lunch or maybe even dinner, you know what your body does???  STORES MOST OF IT AS FAT!!!!!!    You may lose weight on scale initially, but your body is storing up fat, (fat is lighter than muscle in weight), and you are gonna have a very hard time getting weight off and keeping it off. 

If you get nothing else from my blog today, please get something in your kitchen you will eat for breakfast, even if it's on the way out the door!!   Some other alternatives I use for myself and Avery are P90X protein bars (which don't taste like nasty chalk cardboard like many I have tried in my day!).  There are several flavors to choose from.  (See note below).    Also, Luna bars are one of Avery's favorites, and they have 9 grams protein, 10 grams sugar in 180 calories.   Avery and I are "nuts" over the "Nutz over Chocolate" bar!!  You can buy these at walmart and target.   

The key to being healthy is eating fruits/veggies, whole grain breads, lean protein 90% of the time, and keeping your body fueled throughout the day!!!!  If you skip a meal, you are way more likely to overeat at the next meal!!!  Plus, let's face it...our bodies are smart (have to be since they were designed by God), and the body knows if you are gonna consistently skip meals, the body slows down its metabolism to conserve more of your fat stores.    Basically, the body thinks your are going to "starve" it, so when you do finally eat, most of it is going to be stored...AS FAT!!!  

Head to the grocery store this weekend, and find some healthy foods to stock up on that will keep your body running!!!  Especially if you are exercising on daily basis!!   You will be stronger and be able to work harder if you keep your "tank filled" with the "good stuff" your body needs!

"Lord, I lift up every person out there who is reading this, and I pray that You will just use these words YOU given me to encourage and lift them up.    Satan tries to tear us down, but God we praise you that YOU are bigger and stronger than he, and that YOU created us to be like YOU.  May we take care of our "temple" today in a way that is pleasing to You, and also makes us feel better inside and out.    In Jesus' precious and Holy name, Amen!"

Keitha Beth

*Shakeology Note:   If you like to drink your shake for breakfast but don't have time to make it in the morning with getting kids ready and yourself ready, make it the night before and freeze!!  You can set it out while you are getting ready, then drink on way to work.  

*PB2 Powder:   Have just discovered this awesome new product this last fall!!!  You can get it at health food stores, and if you live in West Texas, I get it at United Market Street or Drug Emporium.  Only 45 calories per serving, & no sugar!!!  I add 1 tbsp to my shake to get that "Reeses" flavor!! YUM!!

I have had several inquiries about Shakeology through this blog.  Go to my website at    Check out the info there about Shakeology and P90X bars.  I would love to send you a sample of Shakeology if you would like to try it!!  

And PLEASE comment to me with questions, comments, or success stories you want to share!!  

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog Keitha! I've always eaten breakfast because I'm starving when i wake up! I've drilled it into my girls' heads all their lives. More people should read this!
