Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How do I live without Sugar???

Jesus said, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me” (Matthew 11:28-29)
Well my devotionals I receive via email have been about REST the last 3 days...do you think God is telling me something?  After our busy weekend with stock show, and getting the privilege to go back to Seminole to train some of my Brown-Eyed Girls on teaching step workout, I was dragging yesterday.  However, let me say, I was full of energy with teaching to the Divas our Step Extreme Class Sunday afternoon...God is soooo good to let me do something I so enjoy!  I give Him the glory...for my energy and talent, and for our sore calves, arms, legs too!! Lol!!

 But as I read this devotional just now, and I was planning on talking about importance of breakfast tonight...the Holy Spirit redirected me.  I almost stayed with MY plan on breakfast but I knew if I wanted this to speak to anyone it couldn't be about me!! Ha!!  So, if the Lord wills it tomorrow, be sure to check out why YOU DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST!

I want to share my devotional I read then tell ya what that said to me:

by David Wilkerson
[May 19, 1931 - April 27, 2011]

Jesus said, "Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me” (Matthew 11:28-29,
KJV). Christ tells us very plainly: "Do not attempt to take on a walk with Me
until you are at rest in your soul!"

If you do not have this wonderful confidence in what the Word of God says Jesus
did for you, His yoke will not be easy or light. On the contrary, you will spend
your time striving in the flesh to please God. You will go from hot to cold,
living with unnecessary guilt and shame.

I believe the key to this verse lies in the words “learn of me.” Jesus is
speaking here of the discipline of learning who He is and what He accomplished
on the cross. He is saying, "You must have a knowledge of what I have done for
you. Then, once your soul is at rest, you can take on My yoke. So, learn of

We do not want this kind of discipline. We want to take the easy way! We are
like schoolchildren on the playground at recess who do not want to go back into
the classroom.

Perhaps today you say, "I'm reading my Bible now and praying a little each day.
I'm trying hard to do better!" This is all good, but I assure you that these
things will not keep you through the coming storm. It is not enough to try
hard, to make promises to God, to strive to be better. Nor is it enough to say,
"I'm more diligent than before." No, it is all about going after a revelation of
what Jesus did for you at the cross!

Something should cry out in all of us: "Jesus, Your Word says I can live in
total rest, peace and security. I don't have to strive in my flesh or be tossed
about by guilt or fear. You have set before me the promise of a life at rest,
but I don't have that rest. Oh, Lord, I want Your rest with everything that's
in me. Teach me by Your Spirit—I want to learn of You."

I can so put my name in this devotional...I am definitely more into the Word and praying more Spirit-filled prayers.  But God says, "Keitha, you can't do anything to impress me.  Quit trying.  But the more time you spend in My Word, and praying with a sincere heart, the more you will hear My voice telling you what my purpose is for you."

And tonight, as I was sitting here thinking of how Jesus says, "Don't try to ask me to help you through this 7 day fasting until you fall on your knees, and surrender all of your life to Me, especially giving up all your desires when it comes to food."  We so many times only think God is there to strengthen us about "major issues" like cancer, our kids' safety, finances, etc.  And in this Word from Him, He says we must lay it all down before Him, learn who He is...the Sovereign God over every single thing in this universe.  Then, we can come before Him, and say, "Lord, I plead in the name of Jesus, you will take this burden of sugar addiction, caffeine addiction, overeating, whatever it is you struggle with (that maybe even no one else knows), and that You, my Heavenly Father, will give me a lighter load."  How can I live without all of the processed sugar in our diet these days???  Not for me to ask...He just wants me to have FAITH that HE CAN AND HE WILL!!!

"Precious Lord, we thank you for Your Word, and the Power we can stand on through it.  But we know we have to surrender everything to you, Jesus, and that is so hard for us as humans.  I pray for each person who reads this to feel Your Love like never before, and to finally let go of any burdens they have been carrying, especially when it comes to their health and nutrition, any food addictions (like sugar)!  I thank you, Father in advance for the healing that will come when we learn who You really are, and what you did for us.   Most of us have the head knowledge, but we pray in the name of Jesus, it will become HEART KNOWLEDGE!   Then, we can earnestly say, Lord, take this burden from me...and HE WILL!!  In Jesus' Holy Name I pray this.."

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