Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Move to lose OR gain??  Having dealt with rheumatoid arthritis for almost 14 years now, I can view exercise in both ways:  to lose weight or to gain strength/mobility.   I want to share my devotional from yesterday, and then we will discuss our tip of the day:  EXERCISE!

by Gary Wilkerson

“Joseph took the body . . . and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut
out of the rock. He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and
went away" (Matthew 27:59–60, NIV).

Jesus had just been crucified and was now lying in a tomb. As a massive stone
was rolled to seal the doorway, everyone had a sad sense of finality. Scripture
says a group of women, including Mary Magdalene, was sitting opposite the tomb.
Those women must have been heartbroken. I can almost hear the despair in their
voices: "What will happen now that Jesus is gone? How do we go on?"

Today we know the end of the story. We know that when Jesus said from the
cross, "It is finished," He had conquered sin. We know that with His
resurrection He had conquered death. And we know that He did it all for us.

But what if we did not know the end of the story, as those women at the tomb?
What were the eleven disciples thinking as they hid at a distance behind locked
doors (see John 20:19)?

I do not think we can fathom what Jesus' death meant to His passionate
followers. They had believed their Master was the hope of the world, the
salvation of Israel, the light to the Gentiles. He was the great healer,
raising the dead and setting captives free, preaching the good news to the
poor. He was the embodiment of the new kingdom He preached about. As they
thought back to His words, "It is finished," they must have thought He meant,
"It's over. This is the end of the story."

All too often, as Christians endure the trials of life, this is the message
they believe. They see no hope beyond their difficult situation. All they can
see is a stone permanently rolled into place separating them from hope. Yet
they are seeing things from this side of the stone. If only they knew what God
is doing for them on the other side of the stone.

Maybe life has presented you with a hard, impassable situation. As you read
this do you wonder, “Is God at work in my circumstance? Is Jesus really
triumphant — in me? Can He really save me from this situation? I just don’t
see a way forward.”

I tell you, God is on the move in your life at this very moment. The stone is
being rolled away. Light is breaking forth and your Hope stands there in the
doorway: Jesus! He has triumphed over all the powers of darkness and His
victory is yours by faith."

I  love how Mr. Wilkerson can share just one piece of scripture, and give me one of those, "Wow, does he know what I am going through?"  or "I can soooo relate to that" moments.  Even if it is a verse I have read over many times, it seems like there is always a fresh perspective that is applicable to me, when I read his daily devotional!  God is probably thinking, "Well it is about time, Keitha!"  haha

When I was first diagnosed with RA at age 29, I didn't think much of it.  But then the pain became more and more intense, and morning stiffness caused me to shuffle across the floor in agony.  At my "lowest" (most severe) flare, I could not dress myself, put my long hair in a ponytail, or even open a sippy cup!     And here I was, Miss Queen of Exercise!!  (I have been teaching for over 20 years now...GRATEFUL I can say I am still teaching!)  But I vividly remember falling in floor one morning after everyone was gone to school, and lying prostrate in the floor, crying and asking God why this was happening to me.   I even selfishly thought, "God, there are people out there who hate exercise....let them have RA.  They don't want to exercise so they won't mind!"  Praise the Lord that God pulled me out of that pit, and even that mind set of wanting to give this debilitating disease to someone else.  

Like the devotional above says about the disciples, they didn't know the end of the story with the death of Jesus.  I don't know the end of my story, but I do know the past and the present part:  God knew I was strong enough to handle RA, and he knew I needed to be humbled about the fact that He gave me the strength and talent to teach fitness classes, and even run a marathon.  And now, He wants me to share my testimony about how God is on the MOVE in my life today!     I can empathize/sympathize with those of you who find it difficult to exercise due to some sort of illness or inflammation in joints.  However, I am the BIGGEST ADVOCATE that exercise is the key to fighting most chronic illnesses, mental illness and stress, and especially autoimmune diseases that affect the joints.  I remember my doctor telling me shortly after my diagnosis that exercise would be a huge factor in how much joint mobility I maintained.    He was so right...although he has questioned a few of my "ideas" on exercise.  (Marathon with dislocated toe due to erosion of joint, boot camp, teaching 8-10 classes a week!  lol)   I would go so far as to say that I am stronger mentally, physically, and spiritually than I have ever been but only because of the GRACE OF GOD!!  

Whatever struggles you may be dealing with, please remember that God is right there, ready to MOVE in your life.    Just ask Him, spend time with Him, and He will lift you up!

4)  BE ON THE MOVE!!!  (As Chalene Johnson says, if you will exercise 80% of the time, you will be on track to a more fit and healthy you!)   It doesn't mean you have to be a member of a gym or attend classes 80% of time, but just be moving!!    Make it your goal to exercise 20-30 minutes 5 out of 7 days a week.  If you have longer, take advantage.  If time is short, take a 20 minute power walk ,and you will feel better!

*Attend fitness classes
*Go walk/jog since weather is gorgeous these days
*Jump on the trampoline with your kids
*Go bike riding with your family
*Swim and splash around with your kids in a pool
*Get that workout video out of the drawer, blow the dust off, and just push play!!  (Or visit my website @ www.beachbodycoach.com/coachkeitha for some of the most awesome workouts available!  Turbofire is my favorite!)

I hope these tips are helping you, and I pray that whatever you are bound up by, whether food, insecurity,or other lies of the devil, that YOU WILL LET GOD MOVE AND FREE YOU TODAY!!!  
Be Blessed!
Keitha Beth

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