Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be an OVERCOMER in exercise and nutrition!

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take HEART!!  I have overcome the world."   John 16:33

Yesterday, I was blessed to spend over 2 hours with some ladies at our Bible Study Luncheon at the Hotel Matador B& B.    We started out the morning with this verse in John.  And as I was thinking today about what I could write about, the Holy Spirit kept bringing this verse to mind.  
I have always thought about this verse, as Jesus was talking about the hardships the disciples would have to endure, as well as us as Christians.    Being martyrs, as well as just feeling like all your "friends" think you are weird if you like to go to church, or raise your hands when you are singing to worship the King.  

But I also think this can apply to what we challenge with overweight issues, eating disorders, or even with chronic illnesses.  I have experienced so many days when I was not at peace with my weight on a scale, or how my clothes fit, or not being able to put my hair in a ponytail when I was having some of my worst flares with rheumatoid arthritis.  However, today, February 14, 2012, I can sit here at this computer, and be free of those chains of insecurity and defeat that satan tried to use against me!!!   I give God the honor and glory for all the valleys he brought me through to be able to minister to those of you who have been touched by this blog, or by participating in my exercise classes.  HE is the creator of heaven and earth... and HE HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD by showing us the ultimate love of his son Jesus' death on a cross.  HE overcame my weaknesses and struggles... when I am weak, HE is strong!!  

So tomorrow as you start your day, (or even tonight as your winding down)  I pray today was a day spent with family and friends,  showing others how much you love them and how much you are loved!!  Don't (and I repeat!) don't let satan steal your joy of what you have been doing these last few weeks or days in your exercise and healthy, clean eating plan!!   So what if you had a couple pieces of Dove candy your hubby gave you; so what if you ate some of your kids' cookies from their school parties; so what if you were treated to a nice dinner at a restaurant, and you couldn't resist that warm bread and butter they served with your steak!    TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY, and like God's mercies, which are new every morning, you have the option to eat healthier this day and exercise because you feel better when you do...or you can listen to mean ole satan, and think "well I blew it today, so I will just go back to my old pattern of eating high carbs, loaded in sugar, feeling blah every day."   GO WITH THE FIRST OPTION!!  God has overcome this world, and He has already defeated satan.  So why listen to anything that rebel angel has to say??

Get your accountability buddy on the phone tonight or in the morning, make an appt to hit the gym or do your workout video at home (or go walking if weather anything like it was today!!  Gorgeous!)    Plan out your menu right now for tomorrow if you are still up!!  If you are starting on shakeology, do a cleanse for 3 days to get you back on track!  (See note below).    Don't let comfortable be your goal...get UNCOMFORTABLE with how you eat and exercise!!  Eat more veggies and skip the break room party, even if everyone looks at you like you are crazy!  Instead of running errands during lunch, go for a walk!    

When someone tells me they don't have time to workout, I just hear them saying, "satan has made me think there is no time to workout."  DON'T LISTEN TO HIS LIES!!    

1)  Schedule it in your planner just like a dr appointment...don't cancel for anything unless emergency.  Don't let it be optional or negotiable!!!
2)  Get a workout buddy for accountability
3)  Exercise the same time each day.   For some of us that means 5:30am, since we have so many obligations with kids/work after school hours.  
4)  Join a group exercise class, and make a friend!!  
5)  Find an exercise you enjoy, and HAVE FUN WITH IT, while pushing yourself to sweat and be sore on a regular basis.   (Let me say tonight, I may not be able to get up from this computer from our "Tighten Toosh Tuesday step workout today!!  But we had good time in class, and laughed some too in the cool down...LOVE MY MOTLEY CREW!)

Be an OVERCOMER.... overcome your fear to walk into a gym because your self-conscious about your weight; overcome your fear of how a scale makes you feel;  overcome the comfort zone that says "this is who I am and have always been...why change?";   overcome the depression of not being able to do EVERYTHING you used to could do before your chronic illness;  overcome the "clothing fear"  (this is the fear where you do not like the way you look in certain item.  ie, jeans, yoga pants, sleeveless shirt).    

How do you become an OVERCOMER???  Simply ask God!  He overcame the world, and certainly he can help  YOU overcome whatever situation you are going through!!  

Happy Valentines' Day...I love you all for the comments and messages you send me.  What a blessing you are to me!!
Keitha Beth

"Lord God, I thank you for this day where we can show love to those around us.   But Lord I am so thankful you are the ULTIMATE example of how to LOVE...you sent your only son to die for me, even though I don't deserve it.  But you loved me enough to do that.  And you continue loving me by helping me overcome so many obstacles satan has tried to throw in my way to destroy me.  I now lift up each person reading this, that YOU, Lord, will help them overcome whatever hurt/need they are experiencing.  I also pray that you will put this blog in the hands of anyone who might need to hear this, or to know that they are loved by YOU...the creator of this earth.   How much better can it get than that, Lord??    I thank you Jesus, for your willingness to be the vessel in which God overcame this world.  I also thank you for allowing me to be a vessel to help others overcome their fears of insecurities/self-worth in a world that says you have to be a size 0 and have millions to be happy!  Satan you are full of lies and a deceiver! and I pray in the name of Jesus,  that chains are being broken for everyone reading this!   Amen

**  Shakeology Cleanse: 2 or 3 day option

Drink 1 scoop of prepared shakeology for breakfast.   (During the cleanse, only use water and ice to taste on Shakeology).   1 cup of green tea for snack.  Drink 1 scoop Shakeology at lunch.  Eat a dinner salad loaded  with fresh greens with 4-6 oz lean protein like skinless chicken breast.  Drink plenty of water throughout the day.   Repeat for 2 or 3 days.  Your exercise may need to be modified slightly.  However, after the cleanse is over, your body should feel cleaned out of toxins that make you feel bloated or tired.    You may notice an increase in your energy level immediately!

If you would like more information about Shakeology, visit my website at 

1 comment:

  1. I am an OVERCOMER! Thank you Keitha for being obedient to God's will in your life! The words that you share with us from our Heavenly Father are always the words I need to hear! I am gaining this year! Have a great weekend!
