"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to ALL generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him." James 1:5
As I sat in the kitchen early this morning before Harbor woke up, I worked on my Beth Moore study of James, which is another incredible vessel from God that he uses Beth to teach the Word. Let me stop here to say if you have never done a Beth Moore Bible Study or watched one of her videos, FIND ONE THIS WEEK! This woman will make you laugh and cry in the same minute, as well as teach you lessons of truth from God's word like you have never been taught before. She just FIRES ME UP!!
Today's lesson for me was on asking for wisdom, and believing in God that He will give it to me. Something I found interesting in this lesson was in the next couple of verses. James talked about if we doubt God, we are like a wave tossed about at sea; we have a double-sided heart. (v6-8). In other words, we are straddling the fence. You got to get on one side or the other.
And I believe that is true when it comes to our attitude with the way we eat and exercise. If I am praying, asking God to help me not give into my weakness of chips and salsa, or the donuts in the morning at the office, but I don't really believe he is going to help me, then guess what?? HE WON'T!! (James 1:7). So you have to decide if you are really want to give God your cares and struggles, believing He can and will take care of you, or do you want to continue to eat unhealthy because its your comfort zone, and live in fear of taking that first step to exercise!
Now as humans, we think we can control things, and try to fix it all ourselves using our knowledge. Knowledge is what we know in our head. That is why so many people fail when they try some fad diet...we have the wrong mindset starting the diet, so it sets us up for failure. We start a diet where I can only eat "white" foods, because we read that Madonna follows that diet, and look at her great shape! (I'm using her and diet as example...I honestly don't have a clue what Madonna's eating habits are! LOL!) That is our head knowledge...we read it somewhere or know someone who lost weight on this diet, so it must work. After 3 days, the smell of pizza cooking for your kids is more than you can stand so you take a bite of that piece you dropped of plate. That leads to eating half a piece, then you just tell yourself, "Well I messed up again, so I might as well eat 3 pieces!" That use to sooooo be my thinking!!
But if we ask God for wisdom, which is from the heart given to us by the Holy Spirit, the Lord will give you direction on how to take care of your body...I mean, it is His temple so don't you think He knows what is best for it??? It comes back to our thinking that God doesn't want to be bothered with small things like what I eat or how I exercise...He has too much to deal with taking care of those with cancer, grieving families, and the leaders of our country! But you see, friends, God does care...about every little thing we struggle with. If he knows how many hairs are on my head, then He knows that I love brownies but He can give me the strength to walk away from them, and eat a piece of fruit or drink my shakeology!! All I have to do is ask and believe Him for what He has promised me!! And then thank Him for how much he loves me!
So, this is the day you GAIN WISDOM!!! Not only in your attitude toward what you eat, but also what kinds of exercises you can do anywhere, with no equipment or gym membership involved!! Even if you travel frequently, you can do these in a hotel room without packing anything but some comfy clothes and tennis shoes. I want to conclude my blog today with these simple exercises that you can do in 10 minutes...not only will your burn some calories, you will get a burst of energy if you are dragging, and clear your mind for 10 minutes from all the day-to-day stresses of your life!
KB's Top 5 Home Exercises:
1.) The Push-Up: I love this exercise because it not only strengthens and reshapes your shoulders and pecs, but it also gives you defined muscles in your upper back, and incorporates the CORE (abs, back, obliques). Basically any muscle from your waist up gets a workout from push-ups. To begin doing these, always start with the modified position on your knees, keeping your rear pulled in tight. Straight line from back of head to knee. As you get stronger, you can advance to full position push-ups.
10 Reps (push-ups) x 3 sets. Increase your reps each week by 5. Start now with these and you will have shoulders you will want to show off in a tank top by summer!! (See Pic 1 & 2 below)
2.) Moutain climber: If you have taken my classes before, you are rolling your eyes right now!! haha!
But this is a great cardio push exercise, that really jump starts the heart and gets the blood pumping! You start in same position as push-up, but then alternate bringing one knee in toward your chest. Keep alternating legs, as quickly as you can. Again, you hit the upper body muscles, and add in some glutes plus some calorie-burning cardio.
30seconds then rest 30 seconds. Repeat x 3. Increase time by 5-10 seconds as you get stronger. This is an awesome exercise!! But it is difficult for me to do more than 1 minute in single set so push your self to work up to that 1 minute goal!! (See Pic 3 below)
3.) Jump Rope/Jumping Jack Combo: Most everyone has done a jumping jack or jumped rope at some point in your life. (Although it may have been few years since elementary PE class when you did them! haha). You don't even have to use a jump rope but mimick the motion if you were jumping rope. This is a great calorie-burning cardio exercise that helps tone the legs while also using the CORE to stabilize movement.
Jump Rope x 30 seconds, then Jumping Jacks x 30 seconds. Rest x 1 minute. Repeat x 5.
4.) Bowling Squats: How long has it been since you went bowling?? This a total lower body exercise that will bring on the burn in those legs and glutes!! With your left leg behind you and to the side, pretend you are just releasing a bowling ball for that strike. Keep your abs pulled in tight, tilting pelvis down, and driving right glute (buttock) toward the floor. Hands at side or on waist.
10 reps then switch legs. Repeat. 3 sets of 10. (If you have 3-5lb weights, you can use them to add some upper body to your exercise...I like to multi-task as much as I can. Saves me time!! ) (Pic 4 & 5)
5.) Ultimate Abs: This exercise involves the CORE, as well as the leg muscles (quads mostly). Lying on your back, extend legs in air with your arms at your side for balance so your legs are 90degree angle from body. Slowly lower your legs away from your core, with toes pointed and tighten your quads (front of legs). Hold this position (about 10degrees out starting position) for 20 seconds. Lower again to about 30 degrees from starting position...hold 20 seconds. Alternate scissor legs slow x 20 seconds. Return to 90degree and rest 20 seconds. Repeat x 3. (Pic 6,7,8 below)
(* Sorry for bad quality of photo but just wanted to get quick pics to go with this so used my phone! ha)
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